Your gift—to support scholarships and innovative learning opportunities—ensures that deserving TCNJ students can focus on fulfilling their promise. With a gift of $25,000 or more, you can create your own TCNJ legacy by endowing a scholarship or program. The most permanent of gifts, an endowed fund keeps giving back. Your endowed gift is invested in the college’s endowment, while the fund generates a reliable income stream to support scholarships, research projects, academic departments, leadership programs or an athletics team.
Based on the TCNJ Foundation spending policy, once the fund reaches the endowment minimum of $25,000 it would provide for an annual payment of 4.5% based on a 12 quarter rolling average. The principal of the fund would never be touched and earnings exceeding the 4.5% would be reinvested back into the fund. You or your loved ones and friends make additional gifts to the fund at any time!
Some endowments can be named after the donor, an entire family, a class year or someone you want to honor in the most lasting way—such as a TCNJ professor who changed your life.
Endowed funds are an excellent way to direct your philanthropy. Perhaps you want to support students at a specific school, those pursuing a particular area of study, or those from a similar background. You may want to support a specific athletic team, leadership program, or enable students to study abroad. You can focus your endowed fund on what you care about most.
If you would like to speak with us further about establishing an endowment, please contact Laura Smith, Leadership Gift Officer, at 609-771-2188 or